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This national event held in Hangzhou has yielded fruitful results!




On December 14, The First Global Digital Trade Fair was successfully concluded. At present, the Digital Trade Fair is the only national and global professional exhibition with digital trade as the theme approved by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council. It is an important measure to implement the decision and deployment of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China on "developing a digital trade and accelerating the building of a trade power." It is also the first major national exhibition held under the new situation of epidemic prevention and control. It is of great significance.

The First Global Digital Trade Fair has yielded fruitful results

With the theme of "digital trade and global trade," the exhibition focused on the whole industrial chain of digital trade, scientifically coordinated epidemic prevention and control and investment and trade promotion, presented a professional exhibition of 80000 square meters, and achieved fruitful results.

Global guests gather to build an international exchange platform.

Ireland, the guest of honor, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), and the United Nations International Trade Center (ITC) participated in the exhibition on the spot, and 7 international organizations, including the World Trade Organization (WTO), the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, the World Free Zone Organization (WFZO), the International Organization for Coding Goods, and Smart Africa, participated in the exhibition online and offline. Politicians, scholars, and merchants from more than 50 countries, including Belgium, Singapore, the United States, Japan, Cambodia, New Zealand, Hungary, Rwanda, and Senegal, participated in the Expo, and 32 representatives of embassies in China and consulates general in Shanghai attended the Expo online and offline. The leaders of the member units of the organizing committee of the Digital Trade Commission, such as the Ministry of Commerce, the Publicity Department of the Central Committee, and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, attended the relevant activities online and offline and 11 provinces and cities across the country organized delegations to participate in the conference. The "circle of friends" of digital trade has further expanded.

New digital products gather to lead the industry development trend.

Focusing on the whole industrial chain of digital trade, it has set up a comprehensive pavilion and six professional pavilions of digital brands, digital logistics, digital content, digital consumption, digital technology, and cross-border e-commerce, attracting more than 800 domestic and foreign leading enterprises to participate in the exhibition. It is estimated that the turnover of intended trade will reach 37.4 billion yuan, greatly boosting the confidence of exhibitors to expand the market.

A large number of new products, technologies, and services, such as post-quantum cryptography platform, domestic cloud computing operating system, time-space remote sensing cloud service platform, meta-universe open platform, and future community health scene solutions, were unveiled in the "debut," "debut" and "debut" of 315 products of 286 enterprises. We organized the selection of the Global Digital Trade Expo Pioneer Award (DT Award), attracting more than 160 projects to participate in the evaluation, including 22 winners, 14 bronze awards, and six silver awards. As it was the first selection, and some international enterprises affected by the epidemic could not participate in the evaluation on site, to ensure the benchmarking and internationality of the DT award, the organizing committee decided that the DT award was vacant.


The trade union will lead businesses to be active and help the economic transformation and upgrading.

Focusing on "turning exhibitors into investors," we will actively give play to the spillover effect of the Digital Trade Fair. Focusing on the three major fields of "Internet plus," new materials, and life and health, efforts were made to introduce a number of "Dahaogao" projects, and 89 projects from top 500 industry leaders and unicorn enterprises were signed inside and outside the exhibition venue, with a total investment of about 110 billion yuan. These projects will play an important role in upgrading Zhejiang's industrial level and core competitiveness and promoting Zhejiang's in-depth implementation of the "No. 1 Project" version 2.0 of the digital economy.

Collision of ideas and wisdom, gathering consensus on rules and standards.

Focusing on the five systems of the digital trade industry, platform, ecology, system, and regulation, the exhibition held 26 high-level forums focusing on cutting-edge economic and trade rules, cross-border data flow, digital copyright, cross-border payment, digital security governance, and other hot topics. More than 300 guests from international organizations and overseas institutions, national ministries and commissions, research institutions, and leading enterprises in the industry made speeches, delivered speeches or participated in discussions, released more than 110 major achievements, and made every effort to build a "wind vane" in the field of global digital trade.

In particular, in the field of rules and standards, Zhejiang, as the world's first "QR Code Migration Plan" (GM2D) demonstration area, has released major phased achievements, adding impetus to the digital conversion of goods information and the unification of exchange rules.

Achievements in Hangzhou


A batch of important lists was released

Forbes China focuses on platforms and enterprises that carry out digital trade business or promote cooperation in the field of global digital trade. Through a comprehensive evaluation of three dimensions of business growth, technological innovation, and industry influence, more than 3000 enterprises were surveyed, and 100 of the most representative enterprises were selected. From the perspective of Hangzhou's development, Hangzhou enterprises performed well in the selection, with 13 enterprises selected. For example, a large number of domestic digital trade and digital technology leading enterprises, such as Alibaba, Ant Group, Netease, and Xinhua, have gathered in Hangzhou; Amazon and other overseas digital trade platforms also conduct in-depth business in Hangzhou, which benefits from Hangzhou's first-class business environment, rich e-commerce ecology and solid digital trade foundation.

Promoting the "five hundred" action and its effect on the association

The Global Data Trade Fair gathers high-end information, resources, and elements in the field of digital trade and is an important link to promote digital trade and investment cooperation. Hangzhou actively gives play to the function of the "attracting business by meeting" platform of the Digital Trade Fair, carries out the "five hundred" special action of investment promotion projects, leading enterprises, cooperative institutions, industrial funds and contracted investment, and strives to introduce a number of leading digital trade enterprises, excellent brands and development bases, so as to cultivate new advantages for the development of digital trade.

It is worth noting that the Hangzhou International Digital Trading Center was officially unveiled during the conference, which will further promote the transformation of data resources into production factors and promote the brand of data trading. Up to now, the Center has established cooperative relations with 215 enterprises, 428 products have been put on the shelves, 457 data business transactions have been achieved, and the accumulated transaction amount has exceeded 1.3 billion yuan, including 20.65 million dollars of overseas transactions.

The first four-day Digital Trade Fair has come to an end. The successful holding of the Digital Trade Fair provides an opportunity for Hangzhou to build a high-quality digital free trade zone. In the next step, Hangzhou will accelerate the construction of a digital free trade zone and contribute to free trade for striving to build a world-class socialist modern international metropolis.

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